Indenié Djuablin attractions and its surrounding areas

Covering a surface area of 8,000 km² with a population of about 700,000 inhabitants, the Indénié-Djuablin Region is located in the district of Comoé with Abengourou as its capital. It is limited to the north by the Goutougou Region, to the south by the Me and South-Comoé regions, to the west by the Iffou and Morounou regions and to the east by the Ghana Republic. This region regroups the cities of Abengourou, Agnibilékrou, Béttié and Niablé. This region is populated by: Agni-Ndénian, Agni-Djuablinet and Agni-Abbey. The people here live in perfect harmony with the population coming from other regions and those coming from the surrounding countries.
The Royal Palace of Abengourou

The Abengourou Palace has an impressive architecture and is endowed with a museum containing pieces of art that retrace the history of kings that have succeeded the throne and activities of the Abengourou population.
The Crama of Abengourou

The Crama of Abengourou is a conservatory for arts and crafts. There are many exhibitions here that tell the Ivorian cultural history.
The Royal dance of the speaking drum (kinyankpli)

A dance whose steps are performed to the sound of Kinyankpli, the speaking tam-tam in the presence of the King. Majestically decorated by a corner of the circle, formed for the occasion, the talking drum is surrounded by two or three other little accompanying drums and around them are overzealous drummers. The talking drum was an excellent means of communication used in the past to announce deaths, births, important visits, merry making traditional ceremonies, praise to the kings and other customary chiefs, and other major events. The talking drum has three essential functions: the solemn function (griot aspect), the warrior function (animation of war dances), andthe fun
function (animation of merry making ceremonies)
Hippopotamus of Aniassué

Aniassué is a town in the east of Côte d’Ivoire belonging to the Abengourou Division. This locality is endowed with a natural park with a pool of hippopotamuses that our guides will make sure that you discover.
The Yam Festival

The Yam Festival is celebrated at the beginning of each year by ethnic groups belonging to the Akan group. It pays tribute to the nourishing tuber that saved the Ashanti people during their exodus from former Ghana to Côte d’Ivoire. However, during this occasion, the consumption of yams is formally prohibited and it is only used only for ritual purposes. It marks the beginning of a new year and takes place on a “holy” Friday, a fasting week of the month of February.
Saint Theresa Cathedral of Abengourou

It is the headquarter of the Episcopal diocese of Abengourou. It is located in the city of Abengourou and dedicated to Saint Theresa. This cathedral is an architectural jewel of the region to visit.
The Binger Museum of Zaranou

It is an ethnological and archaeological museum. The following are being conserved in this museum; ornaments, gold weights, power attributes, cultural heritage documents and archives, photographs and many other historical artifacts.
The School of Witch Doctors

Tanguélan is a village located in the Agnibilékrou region about 200 kilometers from Abidjan. This school does not award diplomas, but has for half a century now trained several generations of very influential priestesses in the Akan society.